Eva Wonka Books | transforming lives through reading

Called to Missions: Ordinary people devoting their lives to serve among the persecuted church
In this installment, read about people who followed God’s call to step out in faith and serve as missionaries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. They were willing to take risks and secretly share about Jesus in places where Christians were persecuted. They:
Studied and prepared to live in a foreign country;
Created extraordinary strategies to do missions;
Took risks to smuggle Bibles and Christian literature into Communist countries;
Shared the Word of God at every opportunity;
Discipled Christians and prepared local leaders for the persecuted church.
Learn how they developed their love for missions, prepared for a cross-cultural ministry, overcame difficulties, transformed lives, and brought fruit on the mission field.
5.5”x8.5”, 240 pages, years: 12+